Location: Ong Lang- Phu Quoc, Vietnam
GFA: 100 sq.m
Year: 2019
Built by Tan My Quan co.ltd
Photography by: Quang Tran

The idea was to replace the old reception which had became too tight and inappropiate with the resort. The most important requirement was to inherit the simple, rustic but cozy spirit of the whole resort.

When the site was about to start, we recognized that there is a beautiful tree standing outside of the old reception and turning to be right in the middle of the new reception desk. We did not notice its existing when investigating the site because the old reception had been surrounded by a little jungle. Only when the site had been cleared that the tree exposed itself.

Quickly, we and the client agreed that the tree must be kept untouch. The question was how. Affected by the images of a light well in an urban house, we proposed a “shallow” solution with a glass box around the tree trunk and an opening on the roof, without much consideration about the wind, the sun and the rain on the island. Fortunately, the proposal was not accepted. We then came to the conclusion to keep the tree as it was a component of the reception, without any exageration.

Thus, upon the completion of the Reception, we were more than happy to see the tree there, as a part of the space, and, with a few steps back, we could admire its beautiful foliage, gradually getting darken in the famous sunset of the island.